The Advantages of an S Corporation

Mike MillerSmall Business, TAX TIPS

Are you a small business owner? When you started your business, did you set it up as an LLC? Did you just get hit with a huge tax bill? It may be time to consider filing for an S Corporation. An S corp is not a business structure, but an …

Check Your Tax Withholding Soon

Mike MillerTAX TIPS

Over the last week, the IRS has been putting out several news releases encouraging tax payers to check their withholding soon. We agree; it is a very good idea for all tax payers to do do a review of their withholding. So much has changed over the last year with …

Five Tips on How to Get Paid Sooner

Mike MillerSmall Business

As a freelancer or sole proprietor, you probably count on every penny that comes in right? Do you find it difficult to get paid in a timely manner? We have heard that a lot. So, we have come up with a list of ways that may help you get paid …

Quarterly Estimated Taxes Due

Mike MillerDue Dates for Taxes, TAX TIPS

Just a friendly reminder from Miller and Associates…your quarterly estimated taxes are due 2 weeks from today. If you don’t postmark the payment on or before September 15th, the IRS will charge you a penalty. So, mail your payment in soon! Or, you can pay on online at For …