Start Planning Now

Mike MillerTAX TIPS

Aren’t you so glad tax-return season is OVER?! We know we are. Now that it is behind us, it is a good idea to start planning for the rest of 2018. We have come up with a few tips to help you get prepared…

  1. Review your tax-return that was just filed. It will give you insight about what happened last year and what will be good to review with your accountant for this year.
  2. Get organized. Now is the perfect time to create and utilize systems to keep track of your receipts and statements for the coming year.
  3. Read up on the tax reform that was passed. The question is not whether the changes will affect your business, it’s how much.
  4. Form a plan on what you will do with your refund or how to may the estimated taxes for the year.
  5. Schedule an appointment with your accountant. Your situation might look a lot different for 2018 than it did for 2017, so you need to be prepared.

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